An Employee initially contains the minimum amount of information needed (ex. first and last names, date of birth, email address, etc.) to configure a Proposal. If you're quoting underwritten products, Employees will provide additional information when they log into the Employee Interview and complete the Medical Health Questionnaire (MHQ).
You can add Employees to an Employer while configuring a Proposal or from the Employee Listing.
Information needed for Employees
Adding Employees in a Proposal
Adding Employees in the Employee Listing
Information needed for Employees
- First Name
- Last Name
- Relation to Employee
- Sex
- Date of Birth
- Tobacco
- State
- Zip Code
Required if quoting underwritten products:
- Email Address - If available, we recommend including the Employee’s email address so you can send them direct communications about the Medical Health Questionnaire (MHQ).
- Last 4 of SSN
Adding Employees in a Proposal
- Go to the Proposal Listing.
- Create a new Proposal or open an existing one.
- In the Proposal, review Employer Basics and move to Employee Demographics to start adding Employees.
To manually enter Employees, select the ‘Add Employee’ button and fill out the required fields. Repeat for every Employee you want to add. Save when you’re done.
To import Employees:
- Select the ‘Import Employees’ button.
- Select the ‘Sample Template’ button to download the Excel file template.
- After downloading the template, locate the file on your computer and unblock macros. If macros are blocked, Quote+ can't upload the template. Refer to this article on how to unblock macros in Excel.
- Add the required information to the template.
- When ready, select the ‘Import Employees’ button again, select the template file, and upload.
Adding Employees in the Employee Listing
- Go to the Employer Listing.
- Find the Employer you want to add Employees to and select the ‘Edit’ button in the Actions column to access the Employer Hub.
- In the Employer Hub, select the ‘Employees’ button to access the Employee Listing.
To manually enter Employees, select the ‘Add Employee’ button and fill out the required fields. Repeat for every Employee you want to add. Save when you’re done.
To import Employees:
- Select the ‘Import Employees’ button.
- Select the ‘Sample Template’ button to download the Excel file template.
- After downloading the template, locate the file on your computer and unblock macros. If macros are blocked, Quote+ can't upload the template. Refer to this article on how to unblock macros in Excel.
- Add the required information to the template.
- When ready, select the ‘Import Employees’ button again, select the template file, and upload.