The Medical Condition Summary Report is designed to review the overall medical situation of a Client through the medical conditions reported by their Employees. In evaluating the conditions, the report uses simplified but similar rules to those used by Insurance Carriers in their underwriting processes.
How to download the report
To view this report, start by accessing the Reporting page.
On the Reporting page, scroll down to the Client Reports section. In the dropdown menu, choose the client (Employer) you'd like to view and then select the ‘Medical Condition Summary’ link. The report will generate a PDF document for you to review.
How to read the report
The report has three basic structural components:
- Condition Rating severity level (highest being Cautionary, lowest Notable)
- General Condition Area inside that Condition Rating
- The count of Specific Conditions inside that Condition Area
The report only displays Specific Condition events that took place within the last 5 years of the report’s generation date. The report is sorted from the highest Condition Rating to the lowest, listing each instance of Condition Area and Specific Condition before moving to the next level down.
At each instance of a Specific Condition, it lists the following details:
- App./Dep. (Applicant/Dependent): the number of individuals, both Applicant and Dependent, with that specific Condition.
- Past 5 years: the number of specific Conditions, where treatment ended within the last 5 years.
- Current: the number of specific Conditions that are still undergoing treatment.
Based on the criteria of a Specific Condition, it may appear at a different Condition Rating severity level. Factors that can affect this include, but are not limited to, the condition’s duration, the recentness of treatment, and the general health of the individual involved.
Conditions entered as “Other Conditions” will be counted and noted at the report’s end. These conditions may influence the overall Employer picture, but are not included due to the Employees’ use of a condition type that we can’t quantify.
NOTE: This report is a guide and should not be used for any other purpose. Please use the report for Employer consultative purposes only. This report is designed to anonymize the individuals’ private health information and conform to current HIPAA/HITECH legislation. We reserve all rights to the report and its supporting documentation.