The Enrollment Hub encompasses every step of the Enrollment process. Enrollment starts when Prescreen, or the MHQ period, ends. As a Broker, your initial task involves configuring the Employee Portal for enrollments. Once established, Employees can either select their plans through the portal or have them assigned by you. Finally, you'll be responsible for transmitting all requisite documents and forms to the Carrier.
How to access the Enrollment Hub
Enrollment process
Step 1: Configure Enrollment
Step 2: Group Plan Selection
Step 3: Documents and Forms
How to access the Enrollment Hub
A clickable “Enrollment” link will appear in the Employer Hub IF the Employer has at least 1 completed MHQ (Medical Health Questionnaire) Proposal.
To access the Enrollment Hub, simply click the “Enrollment” link. Once inside, you'll find Enrollment tasks and links outlined in three sections.
Step 1: Configure Enrollment
In this step, you will set up the Employee Portal for Enrollment. This includes establishing the open and close dates for the Enrollment period, ensuring that all employees have registered and filled out their Medical Health Questionnaire (MHQ) surveys, adding medical, dental, and vision plans to the Employee Portal, and incorporating Carrier forms that require acknowledgment.
1. Set Enrollment Dates
2. Verify Employee Records
3. Assign Plans for Selection
4. Add Forms for Acknowledgement
1) Set Enrollment Dates
To establish open and close dates for the Enrollment period, go to the Enrollment Hub and select the ‘Configure Plan Selection’ link. Scroll down until you see the Effective Date, Renewal Date, Prescreen Open Date and Close Date, and Plan Selection Open Date and Close Date.
After the Prescreen period closes, you can start Plan Selection, also known as Enrollment. The Plan Selection Dates control when Enrollment opens and closes. Please note, the Plan Selection Close Date must be before the Effective Date, and the Plan Selection Open Date must be after the Prescreen Close Date.
To configure Enrollment, adjust the Plan Selection Open and Close Dates accordingly.
In addition, review the Employer’s Plan Selection Workflow Options. During Enrollment, you can mandate certain fields and information, such as Employee Medical History, even if coverage is waived, and Employee Total Household Income, in the Employee Portal.
2) Verify Employee Records
After configuring Plan Selection, you will want to review the Employees and make sure they all have accurate populated information. All accounts should also have the 'Complete' status. To verify Employees, select the ‘Manage Employees’ link in the Enrollment Hub. This link will direct you to the Employee List where you can add and edit Employees.
If an Employee's status is listed as 'No Account' or 'Updating', consider sending them an Account Creation Reminder Letter or Application Reminder Letter using Enrollment Communications. It's essential for all Employees to have a 'Complete' status before proceeding.
Note: You will be restricted from submitting enrollment forms to Carriers if even one Employee has not completed their enrollment.
3) Assign Plans for Selection
If all Employees have the ‘Complete’ status, select the ‘Manage Plans’ link in the Enrollment Hub. Here, you will assign plans to the Employer, making them visible in the Employee Portal for selection during Enrollment. Use the Carrier and Coverage filters to find the desired plan, then add it to the Employee Portal.
4) Add Forms for Acknowledgement
If you have any forms that require Employee review and acknowledgement during the Enrollment process, select the ‘Manage Forms’ link in the Enrollment Hub. You can assign forms to Employees and the Employer (HR Manager).
Step 2: Group Plan Selection
After configuring the Enrollment period and Employee Portal in Step 1, you’re ready for Employees to proceed with enrollment. You have two options for this process. Employees can either log into the Employee Portal and select their plans independently, or you can assign plans on their behalf. It's important to note that you can only choose one of these options, not both.
Most of the time, you will follow one path or the other. Either you as the broker will assign coverage on behalf of the Employees or the Employees will select coverages themselves. However, if an Employee can’t or won’t go into their account and make enrollments, you can assign coverages on their behalf so the Employer can finish enrollments.
5. Send Enrollment Emails to Employees/Employer
6. Enroll Employees in Plans
5) Send Enrollment Emails to Employees/Employer
Note: Skip if you, as the Broker, are enrolling Employees in Plans.
If you want Employees to log into their portal and make plan selections on their own, select the ‘Enrollment Communication’ link from the Enrollment Hub. Then, select which letters you want to email from the Enrollment Communications page.
6) Enroll Employees in Plans
Note: Skip if you’re sending Enrollment Emails to Employees/Employer.
If you’re only offering Employees one plan, and that’s the plan that everyone’s agreed on, select the ‘Group Plan Assign’ link in the Enrollment Hub. Here, you can assign medical, dental, and vision plans to Employees on their behalf.
Step 3: Documents and Forms
Once plans have been assigned, you can start sending documents and forms to Carriers. This is the last step of the Enrollment process.
7. Download Employee Plan Selections
8. Add Documents to Employee Portal
9. Preview Carrier Forms
10. Send Enrollment Forms to Carrier
7) Download Employee Plan Selections
After all Employees have completed their enrollments in the Employee Portal or you have assigned plans via Group Plan Assign, generate the Plan Selection Report. This report exports an Excel file containing the Employer’s enrollment data, detailing selected plans, associated carriers, and total costs. As the Broker, you can present this data to the Carrier.
You can run this report by selecting the 'Plan Selection Report' link in the Enrollment Hub.
8) Add Documents to Employee Portal
Once the Enrollment period and Employee Portal are configured and the Enrollment process is completed, you’ll be ready to send documents and forms to Carriers. Next steps include adding forms, previewing them for accuracy, and then dispatching them to the respective carriers. Select the ‘Manage Documents’ link and add your files to the Document Center.
9) Preview Carrier Forms
Before sending forms to the Carrier, preview your file attachments. Make sure everything looks correct.
Note: Pop-ups must be enabled for in your browser settings to preview and download forms in Quote+. If you encounter an error when previewing or downloading a form, check and make sure you have pop-ups enabled for our site. Refer to these links for instructions on Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
10) Send Enrollment Forms to Carrier
Once the Employer’s Enrollment period is closed, you’re ready to submit Forms to the Carrier for Enrollment. In the Enrollment Hub, select the ‘Send Forms’ link to open the Send Forms page.
Change the Submission Type to “Sold Group”, choose the Carrier, select the Forms you want to send, and enter any additional notes for the Carrier.
When ready, send the forms directly to the Carrier for processing.