As a GA Broker, you will be able to do the exact same things in Quote+ as a standard Broker. The key difference being, as a GA Broker, you can either operate as your GA Agency or toggle between and operate as a Sub-Agency.
When operating as a Sub-Agency, the GA Broker will see all Employers within its book of business.
While logged in as the GA, the user can see everything in the Sub-Agency’s book of business: Employers, Employees, Proposals, Agency Details, etc. The user can also add Employers, create and edit Proposals, and do other things on behalf of a Sub-Agency.
The GA Broker can see all standard Brokers in a Sub-Agency’s account and add standard Brokers on behalf of the Sub-Agency.
As a GA Broker, this allows you to do back office quoting, Employee management, Broker management, and other tasks all on behalf of the Sub-Agency / downline if the downline doesn’t want to deal with that stuff.
To toggle between Sub-Agencies, you must be on the Proposals List or Employers List.
The text “Viewing As: [Sub-Agency name]” will replace the dropdown menu on all other pages.
Note: GA Brokers can view everything in their sub-agencies but their Sub-Agencies can’t see anything in the GA account.