A Proposal allows you to generate documentation for quoting community-rated and underwritten products. Ultimately, you will be able to download the Proposal and present it to the Employer.
How to create a Proposal
You can create a Proposal from the Proposal Listing or from an existing Employer.
Note: An Employer can have multiple active Proposals, but only one can have the Medical Health Questionnaire (MHQ) enabled.
Proposal Listing
Existing Employer - Pre-populates the Proposal with information from the Employer.
Proposal process
There are six steps in the Proposal process. You must complete each step before you can move forward to the next one.
- Employer Basics
- Employee Demographic
- Proposal Configuration
- Employee Coverage Lines
- Products
- Generate Proposal
1) Employer Basics
Every Proposal needs an Employer. In the Employer Basics step, you will either review and update an existing Employer’s information or create a new one.
- Basic Information (required)
- Contact Details (required)
- Current Coverage (optional)
- Broker Setup (required)
- Tags and Notes (optional)
NOTE: If you added the Proposal from the Proposal Listing, this step will create a new Employer. If you initiated the Proposal from an existing Employer, it will pre-populate with the Employer’s information. See this article for more on adding Employers.
After reviewing and updating the required fields, save and continue to the Employee Demographic step.
2) Employee Demographic
In the Employee Demographic step, you will see a list of all Employees and their dependents. If you’re creating a new Employer, you will need to add Employees. See this article for more on how to add Employees.
NOTE: Every Employee needs an email address if you want to send them communications for account setup and task reminders in the Employee Interview.
By default, the list will show Employees only. To view and edit dependents, toggle the 'Family' switch.
You can also designate HR Managers here. An HR Manager can access additional resources and monitor Enrollment progress on behalf of their Employer.
When you’re done adding Employees, save and continue to the Proposal Configuration step.
3) Proposal Configuration
In the Proposal Configuration step, you will name the Proposal and configure the coverage lines and Medical Health Questionnaire settings (if quoting underwritten products) for the Employee Interview.
When you get to this step, ask yourself, “Am I quoting underwritten products?”
- If the answer is ‘no’, you can simply add the Proposal Name, Workflow Dates and Coverage Lines, and save and continue to the Employee Coverage Lines step.
- If the answer is ‘yes’, you will need to configure a few additional settings in the Employee Health Questionnaire section of this step.
Note: An Employer can only have one active Proposal with Medical Health Questionnaire (MHQ) at a time.
Workflow Dates
The Effective Date is the date that the benefits/coverage will become active. The Renewal Date is used by some Carrier Forms and the Upcoming Renewals report.
Coverage Lines
Coverage lines are the insurance benefits and vary per Proposal. Make your selections according to the Employer’s needs. The coverage lines selected here will be available in the Employee Coverage Lines step.
Medical Health Questionnaire
The Medical Health Questionnaire (MHQ) is an additional series of questions in the Employee Interview that collect Employee medical health information. You would typically send this information to Carriers for underwriting.
If you’re quoting underwritten products, checkmark the “Require MHQ for Employees” box to expand and show additional fields.
Medical Health Questionnaire Open and Closed Dates
These dates set the timeframe for Employees to log in to the Employee Interview and complete the MHQ survey.
When picking dates, make sure you accommodate for enough time between the Prescreen, Plan Selection, and QLE (Qualifying Life Events) Workflows.
NOTE: If you’re doing Plan Selection in the Employee Interview, you will need to configure the Plan Selection Open and Close Dates later in the setup process. See this article for more on configuring Workflows.
Prescreen Workflow Options
These options determine what information is shown and required in the Medical Health Questionnaire (MHQ) section of the Employee Interview. See this article for more on Workflow Options.
Employer Information and Employer Contact Information
These sections will pre-populate with information from the corresponding fields in the Employer Basics step. Take a few seconds to review and make sure everything is good to go.
Employer Communication
Employees must have an account to log in to the Employee Interview and complete the Medical Health Questionnaire (MHQ). To create an account, Employees will need an Employer Code. This code is generated and included in the Employer Communications.
The HR section lists Employees that have the HR Manager role. HR Managers will receive different communications with information needed for their role. The Employees section lists everyone else. Make sure you select the HR Managers and Employees you want to receive communications.
If you want to send communications to someone who isn’t listed, add that person to the Additional Individuals section. Also, you can preview the letters with the Employer’s information by adding your email address to this section.
When you’re done configuring the Proposal, save and continue to the Employee Coverage Lines step.
NOTE: When you save and continue, the system will automatically send out the Employer Communications to the selected HR Managers and Employees.
4) Employee Coverage Lines
In the Employee Coverage Lines step, you will select the anticipated coverage lines for each Employee and their dependents. Pricing shown in the Products step will be determined by the coverage lines that are selected in this step.
If you’re not seeing a coverage line or want to add more, go back to the Proposal Configuration step.
When you’re done selecting coverage lines, save and continue. Before proceeding to the Products step, the screen will display a message asking if you want to add current products to your Proposal. You can either select “No Thanks” or “Yes”.
If you select “No Thanks”, the screen will load the Products step where you can start adding and comparing medical, vision, and dental products.
If you select “Yes”, you will be taken to another screen where you can add the Employer’s current products for comparison against their renewal products. See this article for more details.
5) Products
Based on the information provided in the Employer Basics, Employee Demographic, Proposal Configuration, and Employee Coverage Lines steps, the Products step will generate a list of available Carrier products for the Employer.
You can:
- Filter products.
- Add and view favorite products.
- Compare up to 4 products at a time.
- Select and add products to the Proposal.
- Add current products to the Proposal.
See this article for more on navigating products.
After selecting products for the Proposal, save and continue to the Generate Proposal step.
6) Generate Proposal
In the Generate Proposal step, you will have options to generate and download the Proposal. You can take this documentation and share it with the Employer. Show all the product and pricing options for insuring their Employees based on the selected coverage lines.
You can then:
- Remove plans from the Proposal.
- Add employer contributions to the Proposal. See this article for more details.
- Download the completed Proposal. See this article for more details.
- Export all the data into a preloaded census template for the Carrier. See this article for more details.
NOTE: You can customize the Proposal layout using Proposal Templates. See this article for more information.