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Account Setup
Independent Agencies & Sub-Agencies
General Agencies (GA)
Generate Sales Code
Add Underwriters
Create a Proposal
Step 1: Add the Employer
Step 2: Add Employees
Step 3: Configure the Proposal for Prescreen
Step 3: Send Prescreen Communications to Employees
Step 3.5: Send Documents and Forms to Carrier
Step 4: Select Employee Coverage Lines
Step 5: Select Products
Step 6: Generate Proposal
Step 1: Configure Enrollment
Step 2: Group Plan Selection
Step 3: Documents and Forms
Closing a Proposal
How to Close a Completed Proposal
How to Close an Incomplete Proposal
Account Setup
When creating your Agency in Quote+, you will also set up a Broker account for yourself. Everyone on your team should also have a Broker account. If someone on your team doesn’t have an account, add them to the system so they can set up a Broker account and log in.
When you add a new Broker, you can select their role. Quote+ offers two types of roles or access levels.
- Agency Admin
- Broker
Agency Admins can add and manage Brokers, create new Employers, generate Employee censuses, run reports, and manage the Agency’s entire book of business. Agency Admins can also send Employers to AMS+—our agency management platform—using the AMS+ Integration.
Brokers can only service Employers that are assigned to them.
Note: Agency Admins are responsible for assigning Brokers to Employers. If a Broker is not assigned to at least one Employer, they will not see any when they log into Quote+.
Independent Agencies & Sub-Agencies
An Independent Agency represents the Agency’s organization in Quote+. Agents with Broker accounts can log into the Agency and perform quoting and enrollment tasks.
A Sub-Agency functions similarly to an Independent Agency, with the key difference being that Sub-Agencies are directly linked to a General Agency (GA). This connection allows the GA access to the Sub-Agency’s book of business for administrative purposes. The GA can add and edit Employers and Employees, manage Proposals, and take other actions on behalf of the Sub-Agency.
General Agencies (GA)
A General Agency (GA) can perform the same functions as Independent Agencies and Sub-Agencies in Quote+. The key difference is, GA Brokers can choose to operate either as a GA or as their Sub-Agencies.
Like Independent Agencies and Sub-Agencies, a GA includes one Broker account by default. This Broker can log into Quote+ and add additional Brokers to the team, allowing them to set up their own accounts and access the system.
Generate Sales Code
If you, as a GA, would like to cover the subscription costs for your downlines on Quote+, please contact your Client Success Manager or Sales Representative. We will assist you in determining the subscription costs and creating a unique Sales Code URL.
When a downline uses this URL to sign up and create an account, their account will automatically be linked to yours as a Sub-Agency, giving you visibility and access to their book of business.
Add Underwriters
Add contact information for all your Carrier representatives to your Quote+ account. This will save you time when sending forms for either a Prescreen or Sold Group submission.
Just like adding contacts in your phone or personal email, these contacts are only available to you on your account.
Tip: Set a default password here for underwriters. This way, Brokers will not have to send it to their Carrier Representative each time a submission is sent. The default password will pre-fill for them if it is added on the Underwriters page.
Create a Proposal
Proposals in Quote+ involve a step-by-step process to:
- Add Employer (Group) Details: Enter the necessary information about the employer or group.
- Add Employee Details: Input information about the employees and dependents who will be covered.
- Collect Employee Medical Health Information: Gather the personal and medical data needed for underwriting.
- Quote Products: Generate quotes for medical, dental, and vision products based on the collected data.
- Generate the Final Proposal Document: Compile all the information into a downloadable document that you can present to your client.
This process guides you through quoting medically-underwritten products and produces a final proposal that summarizes the insurance options for your client.
Step 1: Add the Employer
Add your clients to Quote+ as Employers for group quoting and enrollment. You can add a new group in Step 1 of the Proposal process or from the Employer Listing.
Step 2: Add Employees
After adding the Employer, you can create placeholder accounts for all of its Employees. A placeholder account reserves a space for the Employee in Quote+ and is included in the Employer’s Employee count. Placeholder accounts are necessary for sending email communications directly to Employees for Medical Health Questionnaire surveys and plan selection.
You can add Employees and their Dependents in Step 2 of the Proposal process or from the client’s Employer Hub. You have the option to add each Employee/Dependent one-by-one or import a list of them.
Note: The last 4 digits of each Employee’s Social Security Number (SSN) are required for MHQ quoting. If this information isn’t available up front, we recommend adding an HR Manager to the Employer to get started. As long as at least one Employee has the last 4 digits of their SSN, the Broker can send out Employer Communications to get the rest of the group added.
Step 3: Configure the Proposal for Prescreen
After adding the Employer, Employee, and Dependent information to a Proposal, you will configure the Proposal for either community-rated or medically underwritten quoting in Step 3 of the Proposal process. In this guide, you’ll focus on configuring the Proposal for medical underwriting.
When quoting medically-underwritten products, check the “Require MHQ for Employees” checkbox. This will expand the screen to show Prescreen fields for Medical Health Questionnaire (MHQ) Open and Closed Dates, as well as Workflow Options.
The MHQ date fields control when Employees can create accounts and log into the Employee Portal to complete the MHQ survey. The Workflow Options allow you to require Employee Medical History, Medical History When Waiving, Total Household Income, Life with Beneficiaries, STD, and LTD.
Step 3 (continued…): Send Prescreen Communications to Employees
In Step 3 of the Proposal process, you'll need to collect and send Employee medical health information to Carriers for underwriting. You can use the Medical Health Questionnaire (MHQ) survey in Quote+ to gather this information.
You can send the MHQ to Employees either through the Proposal or from the Employer Hub. Before sending, please ensure that each Employee has a valid email address for successful delivery. Employees will be prompted to create an account with us to access and complete the survey.
Tip: To review the Welcome Letter before sending it to the group’s Employees, you can send a copy to yourself. Simply add your name and email address, and choose 'Welcome Letter' under the Additional Individuals section.
Step 3.5: Send Documents and Forms to Carrier
After the Prescreen period closes, you can send necessary documents to the Carrier. There are no restrictions on the types of documents you can send, and documents can be added to your Document Center any time.
Employees do not need to have completed the MHQ survey for you to upload documents, but all Employees must complete the MHQ survey before you can send forms to Carriers.
You can add documents before the group is complete. You can also request additional documents, such as an EFT or ACH form, from the HR Manager through the Document Center if needed for the submission.
- Manage Documents: Store and attach any documents you want to send to the Carrier with your submission.
- Preview Documents: The Preview Forms page allows you to view the various carrier forms before sending.
- Send Forms: Submit forms to the Carrier for your group.
Step 4: Select Employee Coverage Lines
In Step 4 of the Proposal process, you will select the anticipated coverage lines for each Employee and their dependents. Pricing shown on Step 5 of the Proposal process will be determined by the coverage lines that are selected on Step 4.
Before proceeding to the Products step, the screen will display a message asking if you want to add current products to your Proposal. You can either select “No Thanks” or “Yes”.
If you select “No Thanks”, the screen will load the Products step where you can start adding and comparing medical, vision, and dental products.
If you select “Yes”, you will be taken to another screen where you can add the Employer’s current products for comparison against their renewal products. See this article for more details.
Step 5: Select Products
Based on the information provided in Steps 1-4 of the Proposal process, Step 5 will generate a list of available Carrier products for the Employer.
In this product list, you can filter, favorite, and compare medical, dental, and vision products side by side. You can also add current products and select renewal products for quoting comparisons. Once you’ve found the products you want, select them to add to the final proposal document.
Step 6: Generate Proposal
In Step 6 of the Proposal process, you can add employer contributions, remove plans, and generate and download the final proposal document.
This document can be shared with the Employer, highlighting all product and pricing options for insuring their Employees based on the selected coverage lines. You can also create Proposal Templates to customize the document.
After generating the proposal, you can also export censuses to send to the Carrier.
Enrollment starts when Prescreen, or the MHQ period, ends. As a Broker, your initial task involves configuring the Employee Portal for enrollments. Once established, Employees can either select their plans through the portal or have them assigned by you. Finally, you'll be responsible for transmitting all requisite documents and forms to the Carrier.
The Enrollment Hub encompasses every step of the Enrollment process. To access the Enrollment Hub, go to the Employer Hub and select the ‘Enrollment’ link.
Step 1: Configure Enrollment
In this step, you will set up the Employee Portal for Enrollment. This includes establishing the open and close dates for the Enrollment period, ensuring that all employees have registered and filled out their Medical Health Questionnaire (MHQ) surveys, adding medical, dental, and vision plans to the Employee Portal, and incorporating Carrier forms that require acknowledgment.
Set Enrollment Dates
To set the open and close dates for the Enrollment period, go to the Enrollment Hub and select the 'Configure Plan Selection' link. Scroll down to find the Effective Date, Renewal Date, Prescreen Open and Close Dates, and Plan Selection Open and Close Dates.
- Effective Date: Coverage benefits officially become active on this date. The Qualifying Life Events (QLE) Workflow period also becomes active on this date.
- Renewal Date: Used by some Carrier Forms and the Upcoming Renewals report.
- Prescreen Open Date: The Prescreen Workflow period starts on this date. Employees can log in to and fill out the MHQ survey section of the Employee Interview.
- Prescreen Close Date: The Prescreen Workflow period ends on this date. Employees can no longer make changes to the MHQ survey.
- Plan Selection Open Date: The Plan Selection Workflow period starts on this date. Employees can log in to the Employee Portal, select their plan benefits, and if necessary, edit their MHQ survey.
- Plan Selection Close Date: The Plan Selection Workflow period ends on this date. Employee plan selections are finalized and locked. No further changes can be made until the QLE Workflow period activates.
Assign Plans for Selection
You can assign plans to the Employer, making them visible in the Employee Portal for selection during Enrollment. You can do this during the Prescreen period or before Enrollment. Employee status does not prevent you from assigning plans.
When assigning plans, use the Carrier and Coverage filters to find the desired plan, then add it to the Employee Portal.
Verify Employee Records
After configuring the Plan Selection Open and Start Dates, review the Employees and make sure they all have accurate populated information. All accounts should also have the 'Complete' status.
To verify Employees, select the ‘Manage Employees’ link in the Enrollment Hub. This link will direct you to the Employee List where you can add and edit Employees.
If an Employee's status is listed as 'No Account' or 'Updating', consider sending them an Account Creation Reminder Letter or Application Reminder Letter using Enrollment Communications. It's essential for all Employees to have a 'Complete' status before proceeding.
Note: You will be restricted from submitting enrollment forms to Carriers if even one Employee has not completed their enrollment.
Add Forms for Acknowledgement
If you have any forms that require Employee review and acknowledgement during the Enrollment process, select the ‘Manage Forms’ link in the Enrollment Hub. You can assign forms to Employees and the Employer (HR Manager).
Step 2: Group Plan Selection
After setting up the Enrollment period and Employee Portal, you can proceed with enrollment in one of two ways: Employees can log into the Portal and select their plans independently, or you can assign plans for them.
You must choose one method—either you assign coverage or Employees select it themselves. If an Employee hasn’t completed their MHQ survey or chose to waive coverage, you cannot assign or waive coverage for them. In such cases, you’ll need to either create an account for the Employee or remove them from the Employer and provide a paper application.
Send Enrollment Emails to Employees/Employer
Note: Skip if you, as the Broker, are enrolling Employees in Plans.
If you want Employees to log into their portal and make plan selections on their own, select the ‘Enrollment Communication’ link from the Enrollment Hub. Then, select which letters you want to email from the Enrollment Communications page.
Enroll Employees in Plans
Note: Skip if you’re sending Enrollment Emails to Employees/Employer.
If you’re only offering Employees one plan, and that’s the plan that everyone’s agreed on, select the ‘Group Plan Assign’ link in the Enrollment Hub. Here, you can assign medical, dental, and vision plans to Employees on their behalf.
Step 3: Documents and Forms
Once plans have been assigned, you can start sending documents and forms to Carriers. This is the last step of the Enrollment process.
Download Employee Plan Selections
After all Employees have completed their enrollments in the Employee Portal or you have assigned plans via Group Plan Assign, generate the Plan Selection Report. This report exports an Excel file containing the Employer’s enrollment data, detailing selected plans, associated carriers, and total costs. As the Broker, you can present this data to the Carrier.
Note: We recommend downloading and saving this report before sending a submission. This ensures you can reference it in case of Quality of Life (QLE) changes outside the Enrollment period, as generating a new report mid-year will only show updated selections, not the original ones.
You can run this report by selecting the 'Plan Selection Report' link in the Enrollment Hub.
Add Documents to Employee Portal
Once the Enrollment period and Employee Portal are configured and the Enrollment process is completed, you’ll be ready to send documents and forms to Carriers. Next steps include adding forms, previewing them for accuracy, and then dispatching them to the respective carriers. Select the ‘Manage Documents’ link and add your files to the Document Center.
Preview Carrier Forms
Before sending forms to the Carrier, select the ‘Manage Forms’ link and preview your file attachments. Make sure everything looks correct.
Note: Pop-ups must be enabled for in your browser settings to preview and download forms in Quote+. If you encounter an error when previewing or downloading a form, check and make sure you have pop-ups enabled for our site. Refer to these links for instructions on Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
Send Enrollment Forms to Carrier
Once the Employer’s Enrollment period is closed, you’re ready to submit Forms to the Carrier for Enrollment. In the Enrollment Hub, select the ‘Send Forms’ link to open the Send Forms page.
Change the Submission Type to “Sold Group”, choose the Carrier, select the Forms you want to send, and enter any additional notes for the Carrier.
When ready, send the forms directly to the Carrier for processing.
Note: The Carrier Representative has 10 days to open the submission and can open it up to 5 times before it expires. If it expires and they see an error saying the password is incorrect, you'll need to resend the submission.
Closing a Proposal
After completing Enrollment, you are ready to close the Proposal. Closing a Proposal finalizes the details and allows you, as a Broker, to submit feedback about any Carrier products that may be missing. If a product is missing, we can contact the Carrier and have it added for your convenience.
How to Close a Completed Proposal
A Proposal consists of six steps, each completed as you progress. Once you reach the final step and generate the Proposal, it will be marked as complete.
When closing a completed Proposal, a modal will appear listing all the sold products. This gives you a chance to review and select the products that were actually sold. If you sold any products outside of Quote+ using a different quoting engine, please specify them. This helps us identify missing products so we can add them to Quote+.
How to Close an Incomplete Proposal
You can close a Proposal at any time, whether it’s complete or not. If you close a Proposal before it’s complete, you will see a condensed version of the Sold Product Selection modal.
When closing an incomplete Proposal, the modal will not display any sold products. However, if you sold any products outside of Quote+ using a different quoting engine, please specify them. This helps us identify missing products so we can add them to Quote+.